Danube Sediment
Danube Sediment Description Programme: Interreg VB – Danube Transnational Programme Coordinator: Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary Funding amount: €3.56 million, of which…
DRIVE Description Programme: EUREKA Eurostars Funding amount: €2 million, of which €150,000 is allocated to Bavaria Funding period: 12/2018-11/2021 Coordinator: Saiba Biotech GmbH,…
Munich electrifies
Munich electrifies – Me Description Programme: BMWi, Immediate Action Programme for Clean Air 2017–2020 Funding amount: €6.8 million for Bavaria Funding period: 10/2018–09/2020 …
PANDORA Description Programme: BMBF, Research for Civil Security Funding amount: €2.4 million, of which €387,000 Euros is allocated to Bavaria Funding period: 03/2017–02/2020 Coordinator: Prof.…
SCALE(up)ALPS Description Programme: Interreg Alpine Space Programme Coordinator: Turin Chamber of Commerce, Italy Funding amount: 1.7 million Euros, of which €215,000 is allocated to Bavaria…
EIC Pathfinder
EIC Pathfinder The EIC Pathfinder aims to translate radically new technology concepts and cutting-edge research into breakthrough technologies in the long term. Pathfinder projects aim to…
TwinVECTOR Description Program: Horizon Europe Funding amount: EUR 1,3 million, of which EUR 250.000 for Bavaria Duration: 11/2022–10/2025 Coordinator: Dr. Viera Pechancová,…
Fast Track to Innovation
Fast Track to Innovation Fast Track to Innovation (FTI) has been phased out since December 31, 2020. Funding programs for SMEs can now be found under the European Innovation Council (EIC) (in German…
EUREKA Eurostars
EUREKA Eurostars EUREKA Eurostars is a European funding initiative for innovative small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), part of the European Partnership on Innovative SMEs. This partnership is…
LimnoPlast Description Programme: Horizon 2020-MSCA-ITN-2019-ETN Funding amount: €4.1 million, of which €500,000 is allocated to Bavaria Funding period: 11/2019-10/2023 Coordinator: Prof.…