
2025 results:
Search results - Bavarian Research Associations
Your search results are displayed in three categories. The results found on the pages of the Bavarian Research Associations will be shown first. Then you will find the results from the pages of the BayFOR website, followed by the results from the pages of the Scientific Coordination Office (WKS).

Nadja Schroeder


Nadja Schroeder Uni Erlangen/Biologie Tierphysiologie/AG Brandstaetter

Search results - Bavarian Research Associations
Your search results are displayed in three categories. The results found on the pages of the Bavarian Research Associations will be shown first. Then you will find the results from the pages of the BayFOR website, followed by the results from the pages of the Scientific Coordination Office (WKS).

Jasmin Burczyk


Jasmin Burczyk Universitätsklinikum Erlangen Abteilung für Molekulare Neurologie Schwabachanlage 6 91054 Erlangen

Search results - Bavarian Research Associations
Your search results are displayed in three categories. The results found on the pages of the Bavarian Research Associations will be shown first. Then you will find the results from the pages of the BayFOR website, followed by the results from the pages of the Scientific Coordination Office (WKS).

Dr. Simone Reiprich


Dr. Simone Reiprich Institut für Biochemie Emil-Fischer-Zentrum Fahrstr. 17 91054 Erlangen

Search results - Bavarian Research Associations
Your search results are displayed in three categories. The results found on the pages of the Bavarian Research Associations will be shown first. Then you will find the results from the pages of the BayFOR website, followed by the results from the pages of the Scientific Coordination Office (WKS).

Hannah Schickl


Hannah Schickl Lehrstuhl für Systematische Theologie II (Ethik) Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg Kochstraße 6 91054 Erlangen

Search results - Bavarian Research Associations
Your search results are displayed in three categories. The results found on the pages of the Bavarian Research Associations will be shown first. Then you will find the results from the pages of the BayFOR website, followed by the results from the pages of the Scientific Coordination Office (WKS).

Dr. Markus Schulze


Dr. Markus Schulze

Search results - Bavarian Research Associations
Your search results are displayed in three categories. The results found on the pages of the Bavarian Research Associations will be shown first. Then you will find the results from the pages of the BayFOR website, followed by the results from the pages of the Scientific Coordination Office (WKS).

Matthias Braun


Matthias Braun Department of Systematic Theology (Ethics) Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg Kochstraße 6 91054 Erlangen

Search results - Bavarian Research Associations
Your search results are displayed in three categories. The results found on the pages of the Bavarian Research Associations will be shown first. Then you will find the results from the pages of the BayFOR website, followed by the results from the pages of the Scientific Coordination Office (WKS).

Janina Deußer


Janina Deußer Abteilung für Molekulare Neurologie Universitätsklinikum Erlangen Schwabachanlage 6 91054 Erlangen

Search results - Bavarian Research Associations
Your search results are displayed in three categories. The results found on the pages of the Bavarian Research Associations will be shown first. Then you will find the results from the pages of the BayFOR website, followed by the results from the pages of the Scientific Coordination Office (WKS).

Dr. Sandra Meyer


Dr. Sandra Meyer Institut für Anatomie und Zellbiologie Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg Gruppe Stammzellbiologie und Regenerative Medizin Koellikerstrasse 6 D-97070 Würzburg

Search results - Bavarian Research Associations
Your search results are displayed in three categories. The results found on the pages of the Bavarian Research Associations will be shown first. Then you will find the results from the pages of the BayFOR website, followed by the results from the pages of the Scientific Coordination Office (WKS).

Georgia Minakaki


Georgia Minakaki

Search results - Bavarian Research Associations
Your search results are displayed in three categories. The results found on the pages of the Bavarian Research Associations will be shown first. Then you will find the results from the pages of the BayFOR website, followed by the results from the pages of the Scientific Coordination Office (WKS).

Katharina Pieger


Katharina Pieger Lehrstuhl für Tierphysiologie Department Biologie Staudtstr. 5 91058 Erlangen

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BayFOR Bavarian Research and Innovation Agency