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SP11: Redensification in the Context of Climate Change

Starting point and question

Cities are particularly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. To strengthen the climate resilience of cities, a better and more systematic understanding of the effects of planning and construction processes on the urban climate must be developed. Urban densification processes cause intense interventions in existing neighborhoods and should thus be planned and carried out from a holistic, climate-resilient, and resource-saving perspective. This is why green space design, microclimate, and life cycle analyses, as well as material use, need to be integrated early in the planning process. Based on digital 3D city models, the project "Densification in the Context of Climate Change" developed simulation and visualization methods, that allow to integrate these aspects. This is intended to facilitate the evaluation of planning alternatives in municipal decision-making processes. Planning options can also be better illustrated for public participation through the prototypically implemented tools. The findings from the project are transferable to other cities in Bavaria and Germany. The project closes an important gap in urban planning, which previously lacked such easy-to-use tools.


  • Simulation zur Quantifizierung: Praxisrelevante Abschätzungen zu den Auswirkungen von Nachverdichtungsvorhaben auf den Innen- und Außenraumkomfort sowie Ressourcenbedarf, unter Berücksichtigung
    • der Wirksamkeit grüner Infrastruktur, sowie
    • des ressourceneffizienten Materialeinsatzes der Gebäude über den gesamten Lebenszyklus hinweg
  • Die Konzeption von digitalen Werkzeugen zur Entscheidungsunterstützung bei Nachverdichtungsvorhaben


The project focused on simulation and visualization in a decision-support tool for use in planning processes. Potential was initially shown, followed by the quantification of the impacts of different densification scenarios in a selected type of settlement on climate protection (energy demands, greenhouse gas emissions) and climate change adaptation (microclimate indoors and outdoors). Finally, simulation methods for implementation on the 3D tool were specified. In addition, transferability to practice was addressed and a workshop was conducted with municipal representatives. Finally, a manual on the use of digital methods for municipalities and planners was developed.

Information on the results and publications of the sub-project can be found here.

Project partners:


Launching date


Funded by

Technical University of Munich

Funded by

Bavarian State Ministry for the Environment and Consumer Protection