Adaptivity of Multimedia Catalogues for Business Branches
Field of work:
Information SystemsIn cooperation with the German Ceramics Society we arrange a multimedia business branch catalogue for technical ceramics in an off-line environment. A business branch catalogue is a very important medium for businesses with small and medium sized companies, they are providing more transparency and so they care for comparability. We combine users and producers of ceramics to the target group as well as people who are from politics, science, culture or vocational training and so on. The heterogeneity of information as well as the heterogeneity of the target audience is typical for business catalogues. It can be used for costumer advice, staff training, or product advertising. In order to have the potential of some adaptation respectively individualisation work, you have to store assumptions and facts on all aspects of the user that may be relevant to the dialog behaviour of the system in form of a user model. The data of the user model are processed for instance to establish user-dependent guided tours in real-time. This is done by the so called "Intelligent Tour Guide".