A4.2 Requirements Engineering automatisierter Produktionsanlagen
Field of work:
Project Area A Software-Techniques and Mathods for Software-DevelopmentFields of Research
The development of automated manufacting plants is strongly affected by the continously increasing complexity and automation level of manufacting plants, the shortening of innovation cycles, and the world wide competition between producers. In order to remain competitive in the long term it is necessary to make use of potential enhancements in the company as far as possible. One oft the major jobs in this context is the optimal design of the development process.
The current practice in planning and implementation o f manufacting plants does not sufficiently take the trend into account. in particular the integrated plannings of mechanics, electr(on)ics, software developers and the insufficient cooperation between developers from different disciplines.
Therefor we aim st the development of a method for interdisciplinary gathering und formalized documentation of requirements for manufacting plants, that can serve as abasis for time parallel development. We deal espacially with the difficulties of coordination with costumer needs and component-oriented development. Our current focus are solutions for Flexible Manufacting Systems.