I.6 Protection coatings on ceramic materials
Aim of this project on the one hand is the oxidation protection of carbon fibre reinforced high performance composite materials on carbon resp. SiC basis, on the other hand the refinement of cheap components on silicon ceramic and oxide ceramic basis by function layers. Carbon fibre reinforced high performance composite materials with C (CFC) or SiC matrix (C/SiC) exhibit excellent properties up to temperatures of 2000°C but are naturally sensible to oxidation. For this reason several variants of multilayers as oxidation protection within a temperature range of 1400°C to 1600°C are to be developed within the scope of this project for high temperature application of these materials.
Magnesium silicate and oxide ceramics as cheap mass products offer a promising potential as light construction structure material for tools, shaft and bearing components and components for fabrication of electric motors. In this project magnesium silicate and oxide ceramic substrates are to be refined with titanium nitride, titanium carbide as well as with titanium carbonitrides. The coatings are electrically conducting as well as minimizing the abrasive wearing due to their hardness.