In vivo cell tracking by magnetic resonance tomography (MRT) of adult neural stem cells and brain parechyma response to stem cell transplantation
The problem of in vivo cell tracking of tranplanted stem cells in the host organ has not been solved but will be very important for a general acceptance of cell based therapies. Recently, cell labelling using paramagnetic contrast agents for magnet resonance tomography (MRT) has become accessible for in vivo imaging of stem cells. The aim of the present project is the visualization of implated neural stem cells in an experimental model of Parkinson’s Disease by high-resolution MRT. The objectives of our research plan include: 1. Optimization of the magnetic labelling of stem cells 2. Impact of paramagnetic particles on fuction, proliferation and differentiation of stem cells in vitro 3. Alternative, non-iron oxide contrast agents 4. In vivo monitoring by MRT of stem cell migration, stem cell survival, functional integration and host parenchyma response to transplantation. All MRT investigations will be performed on a clinical high-field scanner (3T) and on an experimental scanner (7T). The results of our study will be the basis for monitoring cell based therapies by MRT of other CNS diseases.