T4 T4 - Bacteriological Tumortherapy
Issues of future research:
New strategies will be developed for immunotherapy and the delivery of ProDrug converting enzymes based on bacterial carrier systems. The carriers will deliver the antigens into antigen presenting cells or the enzymes into tumor cells. The quality of the immune response induced by bacterial carriers is well suited for the attack against tumors and the delivery of enzymes into the tumor tissue allows a local enrichment of toxical drugs at the tumor with reduced systemic toxicity. These therapies will be tested in animal models in close collaboration with the group of Prof. Dr. Rapp.
If the results obtained in the animal experiments proof that this therapeutical approach is functional, the bacterial carriers will be further developed for clinical use by our industry partner TheraImmune. TheraImmune is a recently founded company located in Würzburg, Germany, devoted to the development of novel tumor therapies based on live bacterial carriers.