F163 Corrosion of Limestone in landfill gas collection systems under high CO2
Field of work:
(5) Sustainable area recycling
The use of rock aggregate in landfill gas collection systems is limited by the German Technical Instruction for the treatment of municipal waste (TA Si) to carbonate contents of less then 10% CaCO3. This was done to avoid negative interactions between the landfill gas and the rock material. Such negative effects could be for example the dissolution of the carbonate rock, leaching of calcium and carbonate into the landfill and reprecipitation of calcite and clogging of the landfill leachate drainage system. In Bavaria, adequate sources for gas drainage system material are limited to small areas, especially in the Bavarian Forest or the Rhön. This results in long transport distances for the desired material and leads to high transport costs for the majority of landfill operators. To reduce these costs, and for a sustainable resource management it should be verified, whether higher carbonate containing rocks from nearer sites could also be used in landfill gas collection systems - especially as this limitation is not based on any experimental or field evidence. Additionally to our laboratory experiments field measurements of the longterm behaviour of carbonatic gas drainage layers are performed by the department of applied geology at Ludwig-Maximilian University, Munich (BayFORREST Project F164).
Grant-aided by:
Bavarian State Ministry for Science, Research and Arts