The association
forost is working on questions of change and persistence in Eastern European countries, concerning culture, law, and economy. For further information see the external web site <link http:>
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Second Spokesperson
General Management
Head of Research Division
- Dr. Meinolf Arens
- Prof. Dr. Rainer Arnold
- Prof. Dr. Peter Bartl
- Dr. Katrin Boeckh
- Dr. Petr Bohata
- Axel Bormann
- Dipl.-Psych. Julia Bürger
- Dr. Roman Cech
- Dr. Hermann Clement
- RAin Tina de Vries
- Dr. Barbara Dietz
- B.A. Dalibor Dobias
- Prof. Dr. Daniel Drascek
- M.A. Erik Franzen
- Dr. Richard Frensch
- M.A. Armina Galijas
- M.A. Christian Geiselmann
- Prof. Dr. Horst Glassl
- Prof. Dr. Albrecht Greule
- Dr. (ung.) Andrea Gyulai-Schmidt
- Dr. Ralf Göllner
- Dr. Christa Hainz
- Dr. Peter Haslinger
- M.A. Franziska Havemann
- Prof. Dr. Lutz Hoffmann
- M.A. Petra Huber
- Prof. Dr. Edgar Hösch
- Dr. Alexandr Ivanov
- LL.M. Stela Ivanova
- Dr. Nina Janich
- M.A. Sylwia Jarzembowska
- Rita Jeromin
- M.A. Petar Kanev
- Prof. Dr. Heinz Kneip
- Prof. Dr. Walter Koschmal
- RA Prof. Dr. Herbert Küpper
- Dr. Peter Leonhardt
- Dr. Robert Luft
- Prof. Dr. Leonid Luks
- Prof. Jörg Maier
- M.A. Diane Mehlich
- Prof. Dr. Marek Nekula
- M.A. Boris Neusius
- Prof. Ivan Novy
- M.A. Edvin Pezo
- Tomislav Pintaric
- Dr. Wolfgang Quaisser
- Prof. Dr. Peter Rehder
- Prof. Dr. Klaus Roth
- Dr. Alexei Rybakov
- Dipl.-Geogr. Franziska Schaft
- Dr. Patricia Schläger-Zirlik
- Dr. Andreas Schmidt-Schweizer
- Prof. Dr. Monika Schnitzer
- Prof. Dr. Dres. h.c. Friedrich-Christian Schroeder
- Prof. Dr. Martin Schulze Wessel
- Prof. Milos Sedmidubsky
- Dr. Gerhard Seewann
- M.A. Christian Seidl
- M.A. Katerina Sichova
- Dr. Stefanie Solotych
- M.A. Marketa Spiritova
- LL.M. Christina Tassev
- M.A. Loudmila Teslia
- Prof. Dr. Alexander Thomas
- M.A. Anita Unterholzner
- M.A. Niels von Redecker
- Prof. Dr. Ekkehard Völkl
- M.A. Markus Wien
Scientific partner
- Collegium Carolinum
- forost Geschäftsstelle
- Institut für Ostrecht München
- LMU München
- Institut für Volkskunde / Europäische Ethnologie
- Institut für Slavische Philologie
- Seminar für Komparative Wirtschaftsforschung
- Südost-Institut
- TU Darmstadt
- Ungarisches Institut
- Universität Bayreuth
- Universität Regensburg
- Institut für Experimentelle Psychologie-Abteilung Sozial- und Organisationspsychologie
- Institut für Germanistik
- Institut für Geschichte
- Institut für Slavistik
- Juristische Fakultät
- Lehrstuhl für Vergleichende Kulturwissenschaft / Volkskunde
- Lehrstuhl für Vergleichende Kulturwissenschaft- Institut für Medien-, Informations- und Kulturwissenschaft
Fields of work
1.III National identity, ethnic pluralism and international relations (completed 2003)
- 2.I Economic, Legal and Lingual Factors and Conditions of the European Integration
- 1.I Transition and the enlargement of the European Union (completed 2003)
- 1.II Cultures in the postsocialist era: conditions and developments (completed 2003)
- 1.III National identity, ethnic pluralism and international relations (completed 2003)
2.II Trust as Basic Condition for Economical and Social Integration
- 2.I.1 The trust of the entrepreneurs in the institutions in Western Bohemia and Southern Hungary
- 2.II.2 Staff problems due to cultural differences in mixted german (bavarian) - czech companies: analysis and solutions
- European integration
- The legislative secureness of bussines activity. Central and Eastern Europe after EU and home law: a divergence between ambition and reality
- 2.III Civil Society as a Vital factor for Integration
- 2.IV Ethnological Pluralism and National Identiy Politics in the European Context
Dipl.-Päd. Helga Schubert
fortrans Geschäftsstelle
Geschwister-Scholl-Platz 1
80539 München
Telefon: +49-174-9425613
Email: <link>