Open Talk: The European Approach to Micro-credentials
Open Talk: The European Approach to Micro-credentials
EIC Work Programme 2022: Support for innovative SMEs
On 9 February 2022, the European Innovation Council (EIC) published its new work programme for 2022. It offers support to highly innovative SMEs and start-ups across the entire innovation chain, from…
Artificial intelligence in health research: Around one million euros for three Bavarian-Canadian collaborative projects
On 10 February 2022, Bavaria's Minister of Science Bernd Sibler and Québec Chief Scientist Professor Rémi Quirion announced the results of a joint call for proposals on artificial intelligence in…
European Commission: Creation of a new Joint Undertaking Chip (Semiconductor Technology)
On 8 February 2022, the European Commission proposed a set of measures (European Chips Act) to strengthen research, development and manufacturing capacities in the European semiconductor ecosystem.…
Munich Quantum Valley (MQV) - first call for proposals for lighthouse projects in the field of quantum technology is open.
The Munich Quantum Valley initiative aims to establish quantum computing and quantum technologies in Bavaria, making it the only network of its kind in Europe. So far, more than 40 scientific…
Excellence Lab: Boosting Research and Innovation Cooperation between Ethiopia and Bavaria in the energy sector
Excellence Lab: Boosting Research and Innovation Cooperation between Ethiopia and Bavaria in the energy sector
European Commission presents Strategy for Universities
The European Commission presented a Strategy for Universities on 18 January 2022. The strategy paper completes the reforms in the European research and education areas launched in 2020 and aims to…
New European Bauhaus: Application phase for the 2022 awards has started!
The "New European Bauhaus" initiative was launched by the European Commission in 2021 and is considered an ambitious ecological, economic but also cultural project for the future of the EU. After the…
Virtual Trade mission Blockchain Germany
Virtual Trade mission Blockchain Germany
Conference on Research Excellence in Ethiopia through North-South Collaborations
Conference on Research Excellence in Ethiopia through North-South Collaborations