ParBaum-II High Performance Computing & Emerging Parallel Architectures for Evolutionary Bioinformatics The Maximum Likelihood (ML) criterion for phylogenetic (evolutionary) infe- rence has…
OMI4papps Optimization, Modeling and Implementation for highly parallel applications In the emerging era of multi-/many-core technologies an improvement of computational speed for a specific…
GeoPF Geophysics for PetaFlop Computing Knowledge of the structural details of Earth's interior, their temporal changes, as well as their effects on ground motions after earthquakes is one of the…
CompSteer Computational Steering of Complex Flow Simulations Computational Science and Engineering faces a continuous increase of speed of computers and availability of very fast networks. Yet, it…
waLBerla-MC A Widely Applicable Lattice Boltzmann Solver for Many-Core Architectures Supercomputer architecture is moving quickly to multi-core and many-core architectures. An additional trend is…
Semi-CI Semiempirical CI program for very large systens A custom-designed program will be developed and implemented to perform semiempirical molecular orbital (neglect of diatomic differential…
PBOHEX Pareto-based optimization of liquid-gas heat exchangers Heat exchangers are vital in many industrial processes and find a widespread use in our daily life. Hence, their optimization is of…
OMI4papps Optimization, Modeling and Implementation for highly parallel applications In the emerging era of multi-/many-core technologies an improvement of computational speed for a specific…
LightWave High Performance Computing of Optical Wave Optical technologies are one of the key technologies of the 21st century. The appli- cations of these technologies range from medicine to…
HTSC High-Temperture Superconductivity and Scalability of Software Architecture for HPC The general idea of this project consists in providing a new "local" concept for treating…