Virtual Science Café: Scientific exchange in the post-pandemic era

[Translate to Englisch:] Roboter mit Computer

Born in the COVID pandemic, our Forschungscafés/Science Cafés are a place to meet, learn and network. In an informal setting and collaborative environment, we welcome different speakers and explore with them a specific research topic, as well as cooperation and funding schemes, research tools and infrastructures or technological trends.

Embedded in a long tradition of cooperation between the State of Bavaria and the Province of Québec, as well as between Canada and Germany, our Forschungscafés feature bilateral projects out of these regions in a broader international science perspective. Our audience consists of researchers, research and innovation administrators, business and governmental representatives.

In 2024, our Forschungscafés remain primarily in virtual mode. However, for some special editions, we are pleased to announce that we at WKS Bavaria-Québec/International, BayFOR will open our doors to our speakers and their invitees, or visit them on site and hold the Science Café in a hybrid format.

The research cafés welcome new guest speakers each time, who give a presentation outlining their research interests and experiences and then exchange ideas with the audience. The Science Cafés are short and recurrent by intention. They want to enable regular contact in a small format and support interpersonal, stimulating dialog – again and again.

 "Our friends at Bavarian Research Alliance (BayFOR) GmbH initiated the #Forschungscafé, a regular opportunity for small groups of scientists to meet virtually and discuss ideas, challenges and opportunities in an informal setting. […] I have been a guest myself 3 times and can attest that it is not only insightful and informative, but also great fun!"
(Jennifer E. Decker, Konsulin und Vertreterin des National Research Council Canada, Deutschland, on LinkedIn)

During the first Forschungscafés of 2024, we will approach the opportunities and challenges of fellowships abroad. We will meet with academic researchers of different scientific backgrounds who recently decided to work for a longer period of time abroad, becoming themselves important science diplomacy vectors in Bavaria and in Québec. We will review with them the value and prerequisites of an in-person immersion in another academic, linguistic and cultural context.

Digital technologies, especially artificial intelligence, have become integral elements of our professional environments and careers: the Science Cafés will reflect on how digitalization changes the way we work and impacts academic pathways.

Science Café "Outgoing Student Mobility Opportunities to Québec for Students in Bavaria" on July 04, 2024

For our next Forschungscafé, we are pleased to welcome Dr. Benedikt Miklós, Québec Government Office in Munich. Dr. Miklós will give insights into Québec universities and their exchange programs. We will discuss modalities, benefits and challenges as well as funding opportunities for students registered at Bavarian universities and universities of applied sciences.

Here you can find the Science Café program.


Event format

Videoconference, 30 minutes, Thursdays 2:00 – 2:30 pm (CEST)

Event language


Date & Time of the next Science Café

Thursday, July 04, 2024, 2:00 – 2:30 pm (CEST)

Registration & Participation

To facilitate personal interaction, the number of participants in the individual research cafés is limited.
Please register for the next research café by July 2, 2024 by e-mail:

Upcoming Science Cafés



Previous Science Cafés





Quick links

BayFOR Bavarian Research and Innovation Agency