Cooperation Lounge Africa – Bavaria: Rethinking Collaboration in Research & Innovation

Between African and European countries, international collaborations have become more relevant in recent years. In the field of Research and Innovation (R&I), these collaborations are promoted by different policy initiatives, such as the AU-EU Innovation Agenda, the European Green Deal and the Bavarian Africa Strategy. Related funding programs increasingly require an interdisciplinary multi-actor approach in which international partners work hand in hand and learn from each other, instead of applying a unidirectional knowledge transfer or knowledge extraction. Thus, it is time to reflect on existing ways of collaboration in R&I to create successful and equitable collaborations for the future.
The Scientific Coordination Office (WKS) Bavaria-Africa of the Bavarian Research Alliance (BayFOR) invites to the Cooperation Lounge Africa–Bavaria to connect various stakeholders in Bavaria who work in R&I with African partners as well as stakeholders from African countries who collaborate with Bavarian partners. This interinstitutional and interdisciplinary event aims at deepening, innovating and promoting more equal collaborations in R&I between African countries and Bavaria and at strengthening a sustainable and pioneering Africa-Bavaria R&I network.
Key topics will include:
- Opportunities and challenges of equal collaborations in the field of R&I between African countries and Bavaria
- Current trends and future prospects for R&I projects with African countries and Bavaria
- Best-practice examples of successful projects in R&I
During two panel discussions, a roll-up and poster project exhibition followed by a get-together with a buffet, participants have the opportunity to meet junior and senior experts and various stakeholders from science, economy, civil society and politics. The event provides a platform for the manifold actors of R&I collaborations between African countries and Bavaria and it provides a space for knowledge exchange and networking.
Join the Cooperation Lounge to meet old and new colleagues and contribute to the pioneering Africa-Bavaria network of R&I collaborations.
Time & Date
Wednesday, 10 July 2024
2:00 – 9:00 pm
A detailed agenda can be found here.
The event takes place on site at MARK, Landsberger Straße 346 in 80687 Munich. Online streaming will not be available.
The conference language is English.
Participation fee
Participation in the event is free of charge. To attend the event, you have to register in advance. Please note that no (co-)funding for travel and accommodation costs can be provided by the organizers.
Please register here. Registration closes on Sunday, 23 June 2024. If more people register than the event can accommodate, the organizers will select participants. Please indicate in the registration form, if you want to exhibit a poster or roll-up at the event. If there is more demand than space allows, the organizers will select posters and roll-ups.
Contact at BayFOR
We look forward to your participation and engagement in this networking event. For inquiries and further information, please contact our Scientific Coordination Office Bavaria-Africa
Email: bayern-afrika@bayfor.org
Bavarian Research Alliance
Scientific Coordination Office Bavaria-Africa
Dr. Sabrina Maurus
E-Mail: bayern-afrika@bayfor.org
Phone: 089 99 01 88 82 21
Ms Melanie Schulte
E-Mail: bayern-afrika@bayfor.org
Phone: 089 99 01 88 81 24