Welcome to our next edition of the Bavaria-Africa Bulletin.
At the Scientific Coordination Office Bavaria-Africa (WKS Bavaria-Africa), which is part of the Bavarian Research Alliance (BayFOR),
our mission, is to foster and deepen collaboration between stakeholders
in Bavaria and Africa within research and innovation. We are dedicated
to offering comprehensive support for identifying suitable funding
sources and preparing project proposals for European or (inter)national
funding programs that encourage the involvement of African and Bavarian
project partners.
The second quarter of 2024 comes with a
variety of interesting events and funding opportunities across different
areas of science and innovation. This edition has the Nexus Hub Project
in the spotlight. So stay curious and enjoy reading!
If you have
any suggestions or questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to
us. We encourage you to share our newsletter with your network.
Interested persons can subscribe to our Bavaria-Africa Bulletin here.
Sincerely, Your team of the Scientific Coordination Office Bavaria-Africa
COST Action
European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) Action serves as
an interdisciplinary research hub where researchers and innovators
explore a specific topic over a span of 4 years. These Actions operate
on a bottom-up approach, allowing individuals to propose networks
aligned with their interests or concepts. The allocated funding supports
a range of networking activities, including events, Short-Term
Scientific Missions, Training Schools, communication initiatives, and
virtual networking platforms. Deadline: 23/10/2024 Read more |
EU Missions
latest calls for projects is aimed at attaining the objectives outlined
by the EU Missions, focusing on health, climate, and the environment.
Most calls extend eligibility to associated countries. Specifically, in
the HORIZON-MISS-2024-SOIL-01-09 Innovation Action, the evaluation of
soil health in Africa takes precedence. Given the scope of this call,
international organisations headquartered in Africa are granted
exceptional eligibility for funding. Deadline: 08/10/2024 Read more |
MSCA Doctoral Networks
Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action (MSCA) Doctoral Networks implement
doctoral programmes, by partnerships of universities, research
institutions and infrastructures, businesses including SMEs, and other
socio-economic actors from different countries across Europe and beyond.
These doctoral programmes will respond to well-identified needs in
various research and innovation areas, expose the researchers to the
academic and non-academic sectors, offer research training, and
transferable skills and competencies relevant for innovation and
long-term employability. Deadline: 27/11/2024 Read more |
MSCA International Cooperation
call aims to enhance international cooperation within MSCA in Horizon
Europe by supporting actions that complement existing promotion channels
and ensure coordination across various levels. Emphasis lies on
bilateral cooperation, particularly with countries that have Science and
Technology Agreements with the EU. Additionally, attention will be
given to regional cooperation through bi-regional research and
innovation policy dialogues with entities such as the African Union and
Mediterranean partner countries. Deadline: 04/09/2024 Read more |
TWAS-DFG Cooperation Visit Programme - Sub-Sahara Africa (SSA)
by The World Academy of Sciences for the Advancement of Science in
Developing Countries (TWAS) und the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
(DFG, German Research Foundation), offer three-month 'Cooperation
Visits' for researchers in the early career phase of all disciplines
from Sub-Sahara Africa, including South Africa, to research institutes
in Germany, to be completed within 12 months. These visits aim to
kickstart research collaborations between African and German scientists.
The funding will cover travel expenses and provide subsistence costs
during the stay in Germany. Deadline: 05/06/2024 Read more |
TWAS-DFG Cooperation Visit Programme - Middle East and North Africa (MENA)
This Programme enables three-month 'Cooperation Visits' for postdoctoral researchers from the MENA regions. The
agreement with The World Academy of Sciences for the Advancement of
Science in Developing Countries (TWAS) and, the Deutsche
Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) encourages
researchers at German institutions to invite early-career researchers
from Egypt, Algeria, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Oman,
Palestine (West Bank and Gaza Strip), Syrian Arab Republic, Tunisia, and
Yemen. These visits aim to foster research collaboration and
cooperation between the visiting researchers and their German
Deadline: 05/06/2024 Read more |
DAAD SDG-Partnerships
Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Partnership funding supports
projects between Higher Education Institutions in the Global South
focusing on planning, developing, and implementing sustainable
structures in teaching, research, and management. The emphasis lies on
establishing university partnerships, aiming for lasting improvements at
partner universities. The program aligns with the 2030 Agenda and
Sustainable Development Goals while fostering cosmopolitan universities
in partner countries. Deadline: 28/06/2024 Read more |
DAAD HAW.international
program shall enhance University of Applied Sciences (UAS) development,
fostering efficiency, cosmopolitanism, and global competitiveness. It
boosts students' employability for the future international job market
and strengthens UAS' educational, research, and innovation capacities.
The funding supports interdisciplinary partnerships and sustainable
networks for teaching, research, and collaboration with domestic and
international partners from academia and industry. Deadline: 10/07/2024 Read more |
DAAD Center for Sustainable and Resilient Food Systems and Applied Agricultural and Nutritional Data Science
Within this programme, the focus is on South Africa and there are three funding lines: Linie A, Capacity Building and TransferDeadline: 20/06/2024 More information Line B, Implementation Research ChairDeadline: 20/06/2024 More information Linie C, PhD and Postdoc fundingDeadline: 20/06/2024 More information |
SDG-Alumniprojekt: Knowledge and Practice for Development
join IFAT Africa in July 2025 in Johannesburg, South Africa, the DAAD
offers funding for participation in the trade fair and seminars for
advanced technical and professional training. The application call
targets graduates and academics of DAC countries affiliated with a
German state-recognized university or a spin-off company associated with
a German university. The call is primarily aimed at DAAD alumni (e.g.,
those who attended the DAAD programmes “Exceed” or “SDG Research and
Training Groups”). Deadline: 17/06/2024 Read more |
E-Mobility 4 Impact Call 2024 - East & West Africa
Siemens Stiftung is seeking visionary enterprises operating in the e-mobility sector within Ghana, Nigeria, Uganda, or Tanzania.
These initiatives, whether individual enterprises or joint ventures,
should strive to improve the acceptability, accessibility, and
affordability of e-mobility solutions. Proposed solutions should address
challenges related to electric vehicles, battery technology, or
charging/swapping infrastructure. Additionally, innovations from the
energy sector (e.g. smart grid technologies, energy storage), e-waste
and recycling sector (e.g. electronic or battery waste, second-life
electronics or batteries), or tech sector (e.g. integration of
e-mobility IoT applications) are welcome. Deadline: 31/05/2024 Read more |
Invest for Jobs - Call for Proposals
Facility Investing for Employment, an initiative by KfW Development
Bank on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation
and Development (BMZ), will launch sector-open competition rounds in Ghana, Morocco, Rwanda, and Senegal.
Seeking projects that generate a substantial number of jobs with access
to social security systems, the Facility aims to support sustainable
job creation in the private sector. Companies, public entities, and
non-profits can submit proposals from May 15 to July 1, 2024. Projects
must demonstrate a commitment to providing comprehensive social benefits
to employees. Deadline: 01/07/2024 Read more |
IFAT Munich The
Worlds leading International Trade Fair for Wastewater Technology and
environmental technologies is taking place in Munich. The 2024 program
focuses on the theme "Adapting to the Consequences of Climate Change."
It presents a diverse array of events, with a particular emphasis on
addressing the challenges of water, wastewater, and recycling in the
African context. On Tuesday, May 14th, 2024, BayFOR, in collaboration
with TEchnical University of Munich (TUM) and the Bavarian State
Ministry for Environment and Consumer Protection (StMUV), will organize a
panel discussion and workshop on the topic of 'Water Security in
Africa'. Date: 13-17/05/2024 Location: Munich, Germany Read more |
EU-Africa: Developing excellent research and talent together event
Tech University Alliance is hosting an event focusing on AU-EU
Innovation Agenda priorities: “Capacities for Science and Higher
Education” and “Green Transition”. With Africa home to a vast pool of
young talent, their education is pivotal in shaping the future. However,
obstacles persist in Africa's sustainable and inclusive development. The
aim of the event is to pinpoint urgent needs, highlight ongoing
collaborations, and foster synergies between African and European
research & innovation ecosystems. Date: 04/06/2024 Location: Brussels, Belgium & Online Read more |
SRI Africa Satellite Event Supported by the National Research Foundation of South Africa (NRF), the Future Earth Africa Hub is hosting the 3 rd
Sustainability Research and Innovation Congress Africa (SRI2024)
Satellite Event. This event, featuring cross-cutting plenary sessions,
parallel thematic sessions, and live discussion tables, will highlight
diverse African perspectives in sustainability science and innovation.
It aims to unite research and innovation communities to exchange
successes, foster collaborations, and work across disciplines and
sectors to advance a global transformation towards sustainability in
Africa. Date: 21-24/05/2024 Location: Durban, South Africa & Online Read more |
ARE-Energy Access Investment Forum 2024 EAIF
is the top annual investment event in the renewable electrification
sector, facilitating business and investor partnerships to achieve
sustainable electricity access, decarbonisation, economic growth, and
climate change mitigation. Organized by the Alliance for Rural
Electrification (ARE) and co-hosted by the Delegation of the European
Union to the Federal Republic of Nigeria and Economic Community of West
African States (ECOWAS), EAIF 2024 is supported by GET.invest. This
flagship global investment event aims to convene over 1,000 delegates,
both in-person and virtually, including private and public investors,
industry representatives, and government officials. Date: 21-23/05/2024 Location: Lagos, Nigeria Read more |
GITEX Africa The
Gitex Tech & Startup event is renowned worldwide, Gitex Africa
serves as the gateway to the heart of this tech-driven transformation.
It promises immediate returns on investment and incomparable economic
prospects. This crucial event provides a distinctive chance to interact
with policymakers, shape forward-thinking governmental strategies in
technology, and contribute actively to the public-private partnerships
driving Africa's tech readiness forward. Date: 29-31/05/2024 Location: Marrakech, Morocco Read more |
World Future Health Africa 2024
Future Health 2024, as part of GITEX Africa, is an event tailored for
healthcare professionals. It will be held under the auspices of the
Morrocan Ministry of ICT, Ministry of Health, as well as the WHO, AU,
Africa CDC, and Africa Healthcare Federation. The fair will attract
innovators in digital health, renowned medical professionals, hospital
directors, and influential decision-makers. Attendees will explore
topics such as Tele-Health, Patient Self-Care, Robotics-Automation, AI
in Healthcare, Decision Intelligence, Laboratory Technology, and more. Date: 29-31/05/2024 Location: Marrakech, Morocco Read more |
Innovation: a key enabler for sustainable food system transformation in Africa The
ENABEL conference recognises that food intersects with critical issues
such as malnutrition, climate change, and inequality, the event aims to
explore how sustainable food systems can provide not only nourishment
but also employment, revenue, and infrastructure while mitigating
environmental impacts. Urgent action is needed to transition towards
greener, resilient, efficient, and inclusive food systems that benefit
both producers and consumers while safeguarding the climate and
environment. Date: 23/05/2024 Location: Brussels, Belgium & Online Read more |
Implementing the AU-EU Innovation Agenda: Access to Finance
virtual workshop, the second in a series, builds upon previous AU-EU
Innovation events and focuses on implementing short-term actions. It
aims to provide practical training, networking, and collaboration
opportunities for AU-EU innovators. Featuring sessions on access to
finance, the event will bring together academic and financial experts,
innovation leaders, investors, and policymakers to share insights and
foster collaboration. Date: 29/05/2024 Location: Online Read more |
Africa Day for Enterprises 2024 The
Africa Institute of the Hochschule Neu-Ulm proudly presents the 5th
Africa Day for Enterprises. This year's event delves into the concept of
twin transformation, highlighting the symbiotic relationship between
digital transformation and sustainability transformation, and exploring
their profound effects, especially within the context of the African
continent. Date: 11/06/2024 Location: Vöhlinschloss, Germany Read more |
Policies against Hunger Conference
German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture is hosting the "Twenty
Years of Action: Advancing the Human Right to Food" conference, focusing
on the Voluntary Guidelines adopted by the FAO Council in Rome in 2004.
These guidelines outline the conditions necessary to realize the human
right to adequate food. Along with international partners, pioneers,
legal experts, practitioners, and right holders, conference attendees
will get to examine the transformative impact of these guidelines and
their contributions. Date: 02-05/06/2024 Location: Berlin, Germany Read more |
UN Climate Change Conference - Bonn International delegates representing various parties will participate in the 60 th
sessions of the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice
and the Subsidiary Body for Implementation of the United Nations
Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). Their aim is to lay the
groundwork for pivotal decisions leading up to the next UN Climate
Conference (COP29) in Baku and beyond. This will be complemented by a
range of side events and exhibitions. Date: 03-13/06/2024 Location: Bonn, Germany Read more |
Africa Forum Bavaria 2024
Africa Forum provides a platform for small and medium-sized enterprises
(SMEs) in Bavaria to engage in information sharing, exchange, and
networking, fostering economic cooperation with countries from
Sub-Sahara Africa. This year organized by the Chamber of Commerce and
Industry for Munich and Upper Bavaria, the Africa Forum Bavaria 2024
offers keynote speeches from politics, media, and business, alongside
informative workshops. SME representatives are encouraged to explore
collaboration opportunities with emerging economies on the African
continent. Date: 20/06/2024 Location: Munich, Germany Read more |
Tropentag 2024 The
annual interdisciplinary conference on research in tropical and
subtropical agriculture, natural resource management and rural
development (Tropentag) is jointly organised by the universities of
Berlin, Bonn, Göttingen, Hohenheim, Kassel-Witzenhausen, ZALF e.V. ,
Ghent University, Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, BOKU Vienna
(Austria), and the Council for Tropical and Subtropical Research in
cooperation with International Agricultural Research (FIA). The event
aims to explore opportunities for sustainable natural resource
management and improving quality of life globally. It covers diverse
topics such as agriculture, agroecology, food sovereignty, forestry,
water management, socio-ecology, gender equality, and related social
sciences in the context of rural development, sustainable natural
resources management, and poverty alleviation worldwide. Date: 11-13/09/2024 Location: Vienna, Austria Read more |
Reconfigurations in Africa - and in African Studies
Institute of African Studies at the University of Bayreuth is proud to
host the biannual conference of the Association for African Studies in
Germany e.V. (VAD). The conference theme, "Reconfigurations in Africa -
and in African Studies," explores current and historical crises and
transformation processes on the African continent. It also emphasizes
the importance of critically reflecting on academic, artistic, and other
approaches globally to enhance knowledge production. The conference
aims to facilitate dialogue between Africa-related institutions outside
of Africa, such as museums, universities, and associations, and their
counterparts within Africa. Date: 30/09-02/10/2024 Location: Bayreuth, Germany Read more |
News from the Bavarian Office for Africa
Building Bridges, Part 2: High-ranking Ethiopian Officials Visit Bavaria Under
the leadership of Dr. Mohammed Biruk Kedir, director of the Ethiopian
Federal Technical and Vocational Training Institute, a number of
high-ranking Ethiopian officials went on the second leg of a study tour
to Bavaria. In several meetings with Bavarian stakeholders, the
delegation focused on integrating refugees in the labor market and
generating sustainable jobs that help in spreading the benefits of
economic growth across all parts of society. As such, the trip served as
an investment in Ethiopia’s future that helps to ensure that the
country’s young population can contribute to economic development,
peace, and stability. Read more |
Displaying Bavaria at the Made in Germany Africa Trade Fair From
the 14th to the 16th of March, the Bavarian Office for Africa took part
in the Second Made in Germany – Africa Expo. The fair served as a
platform to showcase German companies and products, facilitating
connections with African partners and consumers, and was used by the
Bavarian Office for Africa used the opportunity to exhibit its
contributions across its four cooperation areas. Engaging with a diverse
audience, the Office highlighted Bavaria's multifaceted contributions. Read more |
In each
newsletter issue, we present a research or innovation project from our
Stakeholder Map with Bavarian and African participation. |
Nexus Hub Project
Integrated Water-Energy-Food Nexus initiative is led by the
Water-Energy-Food-Nexus Group, the Water Reuse Research Group, and the
Energy-efficient Wastewater Treatment Group at the Chair of Urban Water
Systems Engineering, Technical University of Munich. It collaborates
with the Western Cape Government, Department of Environmental Affairs
and Development Planning (DEA & DP), and the University of Cape Town
(UCT), South Africa.The primary goal is to explore suitable
nature-based technologies in the Western Cape, South Africa, for
wastewater treatment and the recovery of reclaimed water and other
resources from informal settlements. The project's Nexus approach begins
with WEF considerations but also incorporates other pertinent sectors
such as waste management and ecosystem services, aiming for a fair
transition to a Circular Economy. More information |
in discovering more research and innovation projects between Africa and
Bavaria? Or do you wish to showcase your research and innovation project
between Africa and Bavaria? We invite you to visit our Stakeholder Map
Bavaria-Africa |
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If, however, despite our taking the utmost care in our work, you feel
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